The Rural Caucus is organized with the primary purpose of safeguarding Arkansans living in rural communities by ensuring their voice is heard within the Democratic Party at all levels, elevating the Democratic message within each such community, and helping mobilize rural Democrats to action at every level of electoral politics.
This Caucus has the potential to change politics in Arkansas, but we need your help. Our goal is to grow a powerful caucus, and your participation is crucial. You can also join as a voting member by filling out the Electronic Membership Form.
The mission of the Rural Caucus is to identify and promote issues that matter to rural Arkansans and support Democratic candidates who seek to be elected and appointed positions at all levels of government. The Rural Caucus of Arkansas exists to ensure a voice for rural communities and work toward addressing the needs of rural Arkansas.
We also need people interested in holding Executive Committee Positions, in addition to committee members and chairs.
Any Arkansas Democrat is eligible for membership in the caucus and can work on any committee or hold any office except for Caucus Chair or Vice-Chair (these two offices are reserved for members from defined Rural areas). The proposed dues for annual membership are $15. We will not be collecting dues until after the organization meeting. In an effort to spread the voice of rural Arkansas, the Caucus welcomes members from rural as well as non-rural areas of the state.
In the Organizing Meeting, we will be Voting by affirmation on the By-Laws, the membership form, and electing a slate of officers for the Executive Committee of the Rural Caucus.
Any Democrat living in a Rural County (defined as a County with a County Seat less than 50,000) may hold the office of Chair or Vice-Chair. The only requirements for all other Executive Committee positions are to reside in Arkansas and be a member of the Democratic Party of Arkansas.